TotalWhiteAbbey MFW

Doesn't she look like an angel?

(via altamira)


(H&M furry hat, grandmas vintage MONO paisley shirt, lucifair sweater, topshop khaki leather pants and boots, vintage jewelry)


For anyone who doesn't know him, Djibril Cissé is a French football player. He has played with many famous  football teams and at the moment he plays for my favourite greek team PanathinaikosPanathinaikos is a very important part of Cissé's career and he showed that by making a tattoo with the green symbol. His latest appearances show that he is a very stylish guy and was also spotted wearing a maxi skirt.
How do you find his taste of fashion?

(via fashionvictim, google)


Didn't have time to post this before. So here it is now. 
The lovely BAMBI<3
(via lefashion)



One of my all time favourite editorials. I find this mix and match of the romantic and punk/rock very inspirational!
Of course Kate is stunning as always! 


This is the sheer skirt I made and promised you guys to show. Actually it wasn't very difficult to made, you just need to know how and the mesurments of the human body. I learnt how to do these stuff at college. Hope you like it!
check out the view from the local little mountain! Isn't is adorable?

 (H&M knitted cropped jumper, river island inside skirt, selfmade sheer maxi skirt, grandmas vintage balmain watch, great grandpas military medal as necklace, topshop studded bracelet, heels of the first 3 pictures, peace ring and round ring, YSL blue ring, office boots)


Actually this is a photoshoot for my project in college. If I was not able to attend my current college I would definitely take advantage of one of the many colleges accredited online. We were supposed to "create" an online store and then create two garments to sell through it (of course not for real). In the imaginery site we had to make suggestion on how the garment will be shown. 
Next in line is the maxi sheer skirt, so stay tuned ;)

(selfmade long vest, topshop shirt and boots, zara jeans, mums prasini bag, grandmas vintage sunglasses and cross)

Fur and ElectricBlue

This fur coat is to die for. Oh and these shoes are GORGEOUS!!!
(via streetfsn)
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