paradise city

topshop faux fur | topshop jumper | h&m jeans | topshop sneakers | zara necklace | ralph lauren sunglasses | mark jacobs bag | vintage rings

Being in London is like being in paradise in a way; not the paradice that we all have in mind though. What I like the most about this city is that you can wear absolutely anything you want. No one is staring at you, no one comments on what you wear behind your back, they don't even care how you look, contrary to Paris -don't take me wrong, I adore this city- that they keep looking at you weird even if you wear a skirt. So yeah I wore my latest buys for a stroll around london town; my new stripy jeans from h&m, fur coat, jumper and sneakers from topshop and my not-so-old zara necklace, marc jacobs bag and ralph lauren sunglasses.
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